Research and Development of a Laser Kit for Tactical Training Rifle

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Jedsada Kraikhow
Gunthorn Nathong
Ranchida Khantong
Piyarose Maleecharoen
Naris Channum


This article describes the design and development of a gun laser which is used to simulate the behavior of a bullet, both the trajectory and the bullet point, of the M4A1 tactical firearm in a virtual shooting range. This gun laser emits the infrared signal when it is turned on. The IR camera, then, captured and analyzed with the image processing before visualize the bullet point on the screen. There are 2 types of data from the sensors that are used to trigger the laser. The data from 6-AXIS-IMU-UNITMPU6886 sensor is obtained when the accelerator sensor measures the recoil force of the gun. Another data set is from SPM1423HM4H sensor which is a sound sensor for detecting the sound of the gun. These sets of data are analyzed with the microcontroller equipped with IC ESP32 chip. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in terms of Neural Network (NN) is implemented to predict if it is a gunshot so as to turn on the laser. The result from the experiment with 15 M4A1 tactical firearms in a virtual shooting range shows that the sensor is capable to detect the gunshot with the accuracy of 95.63%


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How to Cite
J. Kraikhow, G. Nathong, R. . Khantong, P. Maleecharoen, and N. . Channum, “Research and Development of a Laser Kit for Tactical Training Rifle”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 108–119, Feb. 2023.
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