Comparison of Object Detection Models using Convolutional Neural Networks in Aerial Image from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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Kittakorn Viriyasatr
Warakorn Luangluewut
Piyarose Maleecharoen
Siraphob Santironnarong
Wichai Pawgasame
Pantape Kaewmongkol
Sanya Mitaim
Phunsak Thiennviboon


This research article studies and compares various models used for object detection in aerial imagery captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Two types of objects are detected: buildings and vehicles. Machine learning models are used for object detection, and various models are compared to identify their advantages and disadvantages. The following models are compared: Faster R-CNN, MobileNetv1, Retinanet50, YOLOV4, YOLOV4-tiny, YOLOv7, and EfficientDet. The experiments found that YOLOV7 achieved the highest detection accuracy of 58.5%, outperforming MobileNetv1, YOLOV4, Faster R-CNN, YOLOV-tiny, EfficientDet, and Retinanet50, which achieved accuracies of 49.5%, 45.1%, 21.2%, 17.6%, 14.5%, and 1.2%, respectively. The model with the highest speed was MobileNetv1, which achieved a speed of 196.01 frames per second. This accuracy and speed are sufficient for object detection tasks in aerial image from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.


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K. Viriyasatr, “Comparison of Object Detection Models using Convolutional Neural Networks in Aerial Image from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 90–107, May 2024.
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