The Study of Runge-Kutta Numerical Solution for Non-Linear Ballistic Differential Equation
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When the ballistic moves out of the muzzle through the air to the target area followed by the trajectory that has been designed. However, there are many factors that cause a ballistic trajectory to deviate and become a non-linear equation. Therefore, it is necessary to study, design and solve motion problems to reduce errors. There are many ways to solve non-linear differential equations. In this article, presented a method of Runge-Kutta 4th order solution by using the equation of the ballistic trajectory based on the Modified Point Mass Trajectory Model. The experiment will vary the speed of the ballistic while leaving the muzzle. As a result, the ballistic trajectory at different initial velocity will deviate from the regular muzzle. In addition, the position of the ballistic will be different at various times. The Runge-Kutta method obtains an accurate solution which can be applied to develop embedded specialized systems.
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