Create and Design Robot ABU 2018 “Shuttlecock Throwing”
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The purpose of this research is to build a robot that can perform the "shuttlecock throwing" mission by applying the Arduino microcontroller board to control all robot systems by receiving input signals from wireless joystick play station for Arduino to send signals to control the motor drive and pneumatic system controller In both robots, manual robot, and automatic robot. The task starts with the manual robot start zone, forcing the robot to move to the loading zone to pick up 2 shuttlecocks from Rack. After that, send shuttlecock to automatic robot waiting to receive in the automatic robot start zone to the shuttlecock throwing in the throwing area which is the 1st throw area and 2nd throw area. The last mission manual the robot moves to pick up 1 golden shuttlecock and send it to automatic. The robot is waiting to receive it for the shuttlecock throwing in the 3rd throw area. The results show that both robots, the manual robot and automatic robot can complete the task within 3 minutes according to the rules.
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