Optimal Path in a Hostile Environment by Using Voronoi Diagram

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Thiansiri Luangwilai
Weerapol Welamas
Supavadee Leelayuth
Sompoom Meechowna


The objective of this study is to investigate the use of Voronoi diagram to find optimal paths for military aircrafts in hostile environment. In the past, choosing the best paths for military forces depended on commanders’ experience and expertise. For modern warfare, battlefields become more sophisticated with bigger forces, combined forces, mobile radars, autonomous systems etc. As a result, making decision and choosing the best possible options are complicated and difficult. It is essential to have an algorithm which is able to aid and predict the best available choice. In this study, area of interest is divided by Voronoi diagram. Then areas which covered by radar systems are calculated and removed from Voronoi diagram. The Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to search throughout the remaining paths for the optimal path. Then polynomial interpolation is used to smoothen the path and make it possible for air mission.


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T. Luangwilai, W. Welamas, S. Leelayuth, and S. Meechowna, “Optimal Path in a Hostile Environment by Using Voronoi Diagram”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 86–95, Apr. 2020.
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