Study of Alternative Fire Retardant Containers made from Kraft Paper for Fire Extinguisher

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Suwicha Chankapoe
Weerachart Kulsirikasem


At present, government and private agencies provide support to officials and equipment for extinguishing forest fires. The greatest way to reduce the risk of heat and fire to people and property is to use a distant fire extinguishing technique. Current fire extinguisher technology allows for the deployment of fire retardants using rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles. The fire extinguisher has a fire retardant container and is made of polystyrene foam. The ecologically harmful styrene is produced during combustion, and the gradual disintegration of the leftover parts has an impact on the environment. An excellent environmentally friendly option is kraft paper. As a result, the action load for kraft paper containers was designed, modeled, and field tested using the same approach as fire extinguishers. As required, the fire retardant covers a surface area of at least 7 square meters. Knowledge of manufacturing process skills and qualification test results that can be utilized to design and build fire retardant containers made of kraft paper that can be used to replace the original containers and be mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles and rockets that are currently used for missions.


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S. Chankapoe and W. Kulsirikasem, “Study of Alternative Fire Retardant Containers made from Kraft Paper for Fire Extinguisher”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 78–85, Oct. 2023.
Research Articles


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