Development Guidelines of Three-Dimensional Training Field Simulation for Supporting Operational Design
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The management of training and education in the Professional Army Education in the Royal Thai Army was designed to suit the missions acquired at each level. When undergo higher professional military courses in accordance with the Royal Thai Army service guidelines, the training will be developed from tactical to operational and strategic level, which is more complex and challenging. The objective of this study was to investigate the development guidelines of three-dimensional training simulation for supporting the process of operational design using simulation technology and virtual training. The proposed development guidelines will be used for further development of the current three-dimensional tactical training simulation, which make it possible as operational design training simulation. This proposed three-dimensional training field simulation is employed as a tool to analyse, synthesize
information and help in understanding of operational environment at operational level, which will be transformed into operational approach to enable commander to employ concrete mission command and combat power. Furthermore, the three-dimensional training field simulation also supports the Royal Thai Army’s simulation system, causing broad positive impact on the national defence industry, New S-Curve 11 and driving strategies for national security system development.
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