Concept of Road Slope Analysis for the Transport of A Modified 6-Wheel Truck
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This academic paper is part of an ongoing project that acquires the knowledge of simulating military rescue missions in emergency situations. The work addressed the application of road slope analysis principle commonly practiced in GIS for 6-wheel modified truck transport. It highlighted the importance of applying road slope analysis principles for 6-wheel modified truck movement to create a decision-making tool. The ultimate objective was to study obstacles in the car transport and to prevent hazards that may occur when driving up and down hills with steep slopes. The study chose the normal land transport routes between the Defence Technology Institute in Nonthaburi and the Mobile Development Unit 31 in Nan with the route between Uttaradit and Phrae Province along Highway No. 11 was found to contain a steep up and down route in a total distance of 31.4 kilometers. That was considered both a barrier in 6-wheel truck operation and condition modification that may cause danger while driving up and down hills with steep slopes. The results of the analysis of the 12.5 m DEM data were obvious to clarify that the obstacles in the road slope and the danger could be prevented from driving up and down the hill in a distance of 2.09 kilometers. The data analysis showed that along the 2.09 kilometers each collected location had a slope of 21.61 degrees, which was beyond the limited ability of the 6-wheel truck. Therefore, it was suggested to avoid the studied route that included that 2.09 km range.
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