Determining building volumes with heights extracted from aerial imagery data for natural disaster damage assessment
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Nowadays many countries around the world are facing more and more with natural disasters that have caused damages and effected the lives and property of a large number of the world's population. Thailand is also one of the countries that have been damaged by various natural disasters. Therefore, the research team came up with the idea of integrating the knowledge of an unmanned vehicle system and Geographic Information Systems. The objective of this study is to determine the volume from building heights extracted from aerial imagery data. The aerial images were acquired by an eBee Plus drone. The calculation was applied to gain the volume of the buildings. The result data will be used later on in a disaster damage assessment process. University of Phayao, a university in the northern part of Thailand, was selected as the study area. The study process started with the eBee image acquisition to produce orthoimages. DSM and DTM were then obtained and used to determine the volume and height of the building. The technique of cutting the height of the DTM from the DSM was applied to come up with the height of the bear terrain of the campus. The result was incorporated with the GIS building vector layer that was classified from the produced orthoimages. The findings show that the heights of the buildings in the study campus are between 6 - 14 meters. The knowledge gained from this study is the technique of determining the volume from the building height extracted from aerial imagery data. Further studies will cover topics of applying the result data for natural disaster damage assessment.
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