Seminar satisfaction to create a network for knowledge management of the armed forces "Research and development of unmanned aerial vehicle technology with artificial intelligence"

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Nukulrat Launglaythong
Phimraphas Ngamsantivongsa


This research aim is to study the audience satisfaction from the creating a knowledge management network seminar classified by different personal information of the audiences. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis was percentage. From the result found that most of the audience who took the questionnaires were military, 23%, had bachelor degree, 46%, lived in the period 30-40 years, 30%. The overall audience satisfaction before and after attending the seminar about knowledge of unmanned aerial vehicle technology and artificial intelligence in high level increased by 34% and 26% respectively. In addition, this seminar has guidelines for research and development or artificial intelligence application of unmanned aerial vehicle technology at a high level by 56%. The content of the lecture topics has satisfied the most level by 83%. Regarding The speakers have the skills and knowledge to effectively satisfy in high level by 70%.


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N. Launglaythong and P. Ngamsantivongsa, “Seminar satisfaction to create a network for knowledge management of the armed forces ‘Research and development of unmanned aerial vehicle technology with artificial intelligence’”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 110–117, Apr. 2020.
Research Articles


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