Building the Learning Organization Case Study of Directorate of Armament, Air Support Command Royal Thai Air Force Donmuang Area

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Somchai Rangseethummakul
Lanyanat Patanan
Phimraphas Ngamsantivongsa


The purposes of this research paper is to study the level of characteristic of Learning Organization , problems that obstruct to be Learning Organization and concept to develop an organization to be Learning Organization of Directorate of Armament, Air Support Command, Royal Thai Air Force by using Michael J. Marquardt’s conceptual framework. Learning Organization concept of Michael J. Marquardt compose of 5 subsystems, there are learning subsystem, organization subsystem, people subsystem, knowledge subsystem and technology subsystem. Population used in this research consists of officer and non-officer of Directorate of Armament Air Support Command Royal Thai Air Force in Don Muang Area. The instrument used for data collecting were questionnaire. The statistics used for analyzing data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and one way analysis of variance.

The results of the study were as follows: As the whole of Directorate of Armament Air Support Command Royal Thai Air Force in Don Muang Area have characteristic of Learning Organization at medium level, but if separate each subsystem it found that learning subsystem has high level of Learning Organization character and other 4 subsystems have medium level of Learning Organization character. The problems of building the Learning Organization are lack of intention to work together, lacking of leader support, leader’s support environment that encourage learning and limitation of information technology. The guideline for the development of a learning organization is to create an atmosphere that facilitate learning in the organization since the main concept of Learning Organization is to build and share vision. Not only that raises the awareness of the importance of learning organizations but also creates the understanding of the leaders to support sufficient and appropriate information technology equipment in all units.


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How to Cite
S. Rangseethummakul, L. . Patanan, and P. Ngamsantivongsa, “Building the Learning Organization Case Study of Directorate of Armament, Air Support Command Royal Thai Air Force Donmuang Area”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 72–87, Dec. 2019.
Research Articles


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