Application of information technology as a tool for knowledge sharing and knowledge management in organizations

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Kolanya Taya
Phimraphas Ngamsantivongsa


This article aims to strengthen the application of information technology as a tool for knowledge management in organizations. Currently, public and private organizations use information technology extensively to manage their operations. This is to provide convenience, speed, accuracy, time saving, and the ability to link inter-department or inter-organization information, both internal and external organizations that are a long distance. As a supporting tool, information technology plays a key role in knowledge management since it facilitates the efficient and rapid implementation of knowledge management processes. It also allows the organization to store the knowledge accumulated by the organization in various forms. A coronavirus disease epidemic has occurred, affecting both private and government organizations. Currently, information technology tools assist in improving knowledge management processes, especially information technology in various programs; consequently, the faculty of information and communication technology University of Phayao has been set to share and use knowledge in the organization by applying information technology to provide flexibility in the operation of the organization and to achieve work efficiency.


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How to Cite
K. Taya and P. Ngamsantivongsa, “Application of information technology as a tool for knowledge sharing and knowledge management in organizations”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 4–15, Aug. 2022.
Academic Articles


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