A Study of Archives Management of the Defence Technology Institute Archives
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This article aims to study 1) definitions of archives, 2) characteristics of archival records of the Defence Technology Institute Archives, and 3) the archives management processes of Defence Technology Institute Archives. The research scope is used concepts and theories on records and archives management to create the file plan and the retention schedule in compliance to the ISO 15489. This qualitative research is applied mixed methods: literature review, records surveys, observation, and semi-structured interview. The triangular analysis is used. The results reveal that 1) the archival records kept in the Defence Technology Institute Archives employ the definitions and contains 7 characteristics in accordance to the concepts and theories on records and archives management and the ISO 15489; 2) the archival records of the Defence Technology Institute Archives also have five attributes in terms of their provenance, their condition, their arrangement, their quantity, and their vital records collections; and 3) the archives management process of Defence Technology Institute Archives is consisted of records accessioning and records appraisal and it is required to include other four processes which are archival description and arrangement, archival preservation, archival services, and archival outreach. It is necessary for the traditional and digital archival records in the Defence Technology Institute Archives to be able to permanently preserve their characteristics if the Defence Technology Institute Archives successfully establishes the appropriate archives management procedures.
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